Media format : TV, Broadcast, Internet

Geographical distribution area : National

Geographical area : Belgium

Website : www.rtbf.be

Media language : French

Country : Belgium

Address : Bd Reyers 52, 1044 Bruxelles

Created : 18 juin 1930

Print version

Complete answers

1.1. – Internal Code or charter? :

1.2. – How is their application monitored? :

2.1. – Journalist associations inside the media? :

2.2. – What mechanisms are there to evaluate already published material? :

2.3. – Which systems are in place to identify and correct errors? Fact checking? :

3.1. – What is the relationship between editorial values and advertising content? :

3.2. – What arbitration systems are in place for disputes? :

3.3. – What is the structure for sponsorships and editorial partnerships? :

4.1. – How are press trips and embedded journalists managed? :

4.2. – How are conflicts of interests with the owner resolved? :

4.3. – How are political and economic pressures managed? :

4.4. – How is general news or “news in brief” treated? :

4.5. – What criteria are there for the publication of photos/ transmission of filmed images? :

4.6. – How are amateur photos or videos treated? :

4.7. – What is the status of permanent or freelance journalist blogs? :

4.8. – What are the conditions for working undercover? :

5.1. – What form of mediation is there with the public? Is there an ombudsman? :

5.2. – Is there a section for public comments? :

5.3. – How is the ‘right of reply’ managed? :

5.4. – How are public visits organised? :

5.5. – Are there organised meetings with the public? :

5.6. – Are journalist contact details made public? :

5.7. – How are internet forums managed? :

6.1. – Moving towards green printing? :

6.2. – How sustainable are the infrastructure and logistics? :

6.3. – Are suppliers selected according to sustainable criteria? :

6.4. – Is there sustainable management of film materials? :

7.1. – What initiatives are there for developing media literacy? :

7.2. – Is support provided for media in emerging countries? :

8.1. – What commitments are there for continuous training? :

8.2. – Is there pay transparency?  :

8.3. – Is there an apprenticeship tax? :

9.1. – How is corporate social responsibility applied? :