6.3. – Are suppliers selected according to sustainable criteria?

Some press organisations may decide to include environmental or ethical criteria when choosing suppliers.

This approach ensures consistency with the organisation’s sustainable management policies.

Complete answers


De Standaard : Information not provided


Europe 1 : Information not provided

France 24 : Information not provided

Le Monde : Yes

Sustainable development is one of the consistent criteria for all of the newspaper’s suppliers.

Ouest France : Yes

Particularly for the paper-mills supplying paper for the printing press.


Berliner Zeitung : Information not provided

ZDF : Yes


The Irish Times : No


Polskie Radio, kanal 3 : No

United Kingdom

BBC : In progress

An action plan to integrate suppliers into procedures according to sustainable criteria was validated in 2011. A communication campaign targeting suppliers will be launched.

The Guardian : In process

For food as for other things The Guardian favours local suppliers.