5.4. – How are public visits organised?

Visits to newspapers or TV channels are well established for the French provincial press, enabling better links with readers or viewers.

These often take the form of regular, guided visits and can be about a technical aspect, e.g. the printing of the newspaper, or a more journalistic aspect featuring a visit to the editorial department.

Complete answers


De Standaard : On request

The newspaper does not have an active policy regarding visits but it organises group visits on request.


Europe 1 : No

France 24 : Yes

The chanel does not have open days but visits can be made on request.

Le Monde : Only on request

Le Monde organises open days.

The newspaper printing press can be visited on request.

It is not possible to attend editorial meetings any more.

Ouest France : Yes

Every evening, there are visits by trained students. Around 30 000 visitors are welcomed every year like this.

It is also possible to visit the two printing press sites if a booking is made beforehand.


Berliner Zeitung : Fully supported newspaper policy

There are many visits to the Berliner Zeitung offices and these are of two types:

1. Groups (foreign journalists, students, school pupils, etc.) who have a guided tour of the organisation. The tours are often booked through a personal contact at the newspaper or as part of the Youth and Education programme. These visitors can also attend editorial meetings.

2. Invitations to politicians, NGO representatives, etc. to attend editorial meetings in order to provide an analytical assessment or to discuss a particular subject.

ZDF : Yes, open to all the public


The Irish Times : No specific policy

The Irish Times receives students on work experience throughout the year but does not have a specific policy on public visits, even if these do sometimes take place.

Once a year, the newspaper headquarters holds an Open Day in Dublin, during which readers, or simply the curious, can come into the editorial offices and meet journalists.


Polskie Radio, kanal 3 : Often for schoolchildren

This is an established practice and Polskie Radio regularly receives visitors to its offices, often from schools.

Open Days are also organised.

United Kingdom

BBC : These are charged for

Paying visits to the BBC may be organised and include access to the editorial team.

The Guardian : Not possible for the general public

Visits are reserved for students of journalism or foreign journalists.