6.2. – How sustainable are the infrastructure and logistics?

The management of the administrative buildings, the editorial organisation through to the printing of a newspaper are covered by sustainable policies:

  • Buildings must adhere to certain standards: High Environmental Quality (HQE) in France, Passivhaus in Germany, Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) in the United Kingdom, or other standards in Switzerland, Poland, Belgium and Spain.

  • Implementing selective sorting

  • Reducing energy consumption

Complete answers


De Standaard : Information not provided


Europe 1 : An effort is being made

A number of measures were undertaken by the Lagardère group which owns Europe 1. Each office has two bins for sorting paper and other waste. There is also a general effort to use paper sparingly, e.g. making recto-verso photocopies.

France 24 : Yes

The building was chosen, among other reasons, because it is easily accessible by public transport.

The air conditioning system is centrally controlled. The communal areas have presence detectors and the electricity automatically cuts out when the department is unoccupied at certain times of the day. A small poster campaign was launched to encourage five eco-friendly gestures: turn off the lights, turn off computers, turn off the taps, close the doors and do not open windows.

As far as recycling is concerned, there is an area for the restaurant waste and another for ordinary waste like paper, cups, cans and cardboard boxes.

Printer toner cartridges and neon lights are recycled.

Printer paper is certified with the Ecolabel.

Cleaning products are chosen from the green product lines.

Up to 80% of the mass of the material from used furniture is recycled at the end of its life. The supplier comes to the site to change damaged parts.

The canteen offers organic produce.

Le Monde : Yes

The editorial office set up a selective sorting system in 2008. The collection and recycling of paper is carried out by a company employing disabled workers.

Several air treatment centres for buildings have been set up.

Fair trade coffee is available in the coffee dispensers.

Gradually, traditional light bulbs have been replaced by low energy light bulbs or LEDs. 5-8% of our electricity consumption is classified green. A large-scale programme for lighting offices individually has been put in place.

The car fleet has been reduced.

Ouest France : Yes

At an infrastructure level, the old headquarter buildings did not comply with HEQ environmental standards. However, considerable effort was made to meet environmental standards in recent buildings such as the editorial offices in Nantes, even if HEQ standards were not met.

Energy-saving lamps and electronic ballasts are used in all editorial offices.

Selective sorting is not available in all local editorial offices but this is in progress. Ink cartridges are systematically recycled.

Coffee dispensers all use Fair Trade coffee.

To reduce pollution, Ouest-France commissioned a carbon report from a specialised agency using ADEME standards (Agency for the Environment and Energy Management). This had a dual objective: identify the mains reasons why greenhouse gases are produced and target ways of reducing them.

Low-energy cars are used (with the incentive of the Grenelle environmental bonus). We have also had a trial of electric scooters for newspaper delivery but this has been inconclusive.

Currently being planned is the installation of digital, non-polluting printing presses which will enable more production points and reduce delivery distances.

The newspaper also works to raise car-sharing awareness.


Berliner Zeitung : Information not provided

ZDF : A start has been made

ZDF works in close association with the European Union radio broadcasting body which has launched various actions and campaigns on the subject.


The Irish Times : No


Polskie Radio, kanal 3 : A start has been made

There is no compulsory recycling, the radio station staff are only just starting to systematically turn off their computers when they leave in the evening. Concern for the environment or for energy saving is only just beginning.

United Kingdom

BBC : A rationalisation plan is in progress

An infrastructure rationalisation plan was launched in 2008. The targets for the schedule 2012/2013 were to reduce electricity consumption and CO2 emissions by 20%, and water consumption and waste production by 25%.

In terms of recycling, the 2013 target was to reach a waste recycling rate of about 75%.

Two new BBC sites (MediaCityUK, Broadcasting House) have scored well, according to the BREEAM method of evaluating environmental performance (drawn up by the Building Research Establishment).

The BBC has drawn up a guide aimed at the television industry to reduce lighting electricity consumption on shoots.

In 2011 the BBC launched ‘Albert’, a system for calculating carbon emissions to identify the most harmful processes in audio and film productions. This will be made available to the industry and to TV partners such as ITV and Channel 4.

The Guardian : The building is energy-efficient

The newspaper building scored particularly well on energy consumption according to the Bream norm.

There is a high recycling rate (packaging, glass, batteries, etc.)

The premises are equipped with systems to measure energy consumption for lighting, heating, computer equipment.

The Guardian is working on a research project with the University of Bristol IT department to understand better the ecological impact of current web usage, e.g ‘Can the development of a new video platform that allows faster access to content reduce the global energy impact of the process?’