Europe 1

Media format : Radio, Internet

Geographical distribution area : Nationale

Geographical area : France

Subtitle : “France wakes up with Europe 1”

Website :

Country : France

Address : 26 bis rue François 1er, 75008 Paris

Created : 1er janvier 1955

Owner : Lagardère Active

Status : Limited company

Chairman : Denis Olivennes

CEO and Editorial Director : Fabien Namias

Assisant editorial director : Jean-Philippe Balasse, Nicolas Escoulan

Chief executive director : Bruno Gaston

Mediator : no mediator

Some figures…

Capital : Europe 1 has been 100% owned by the Lagardère Active group (audio-visual and press divisions of the French industrial Lagardère group) since 1995.

Turnover of the Lagardère Active group : 996 million euros in 2013

Advertising : 51.4 % of the turnover results from advertising

Broadcasting area : nationally on FM, can be picked up on Long Wave in Belgium, in some parts of Germany and in North Africa.

Audience : 9,4% of accumulated audience in 2013 representing + 0,3 points ( source: Médiamétrie, 2014). 8,6% of audience share in 2013 representing + 1 point (Médiamétrie, 2014)

Workforce : Figures unavailable

Advertising Agency : Lagardère advertising (responsible for publicising 150 brands in print media, TV, radio and internet).

Background :

The first trial broadcast of Europe n°1, founded by businessman Charles Michelson, took place on 1 January 1955 at 6.30 a.m. and lasted 30 minutes.

One of its early programmes was « The Question » which dealt with torture in Algeria, a subject rejected by public broadcasting stations and channels at the time, and led to it becoming well-known from 1955 onwards.

In September 1955 Sylvain Floirat was asked by the French government to take over the Europe n°1 company. Among its first successful programmes were « Pour ceux qui aiment le jazz » and « Café de l’Europe » (1955), « Signé Furax » and « Vous êtes formidables » (1956), as well as « Salut les copains » and « La Coupe des reporters » (1959).

1968: The authorities accused Europe n°1 of being biased towards the demonstrators of May ’68, resulting in the Minister for the Interior blocking transmissions.

1974: Following the election of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing as President, Jean-Luc Lagardère (CEO of Matra) and Etienne Mougeotte took over the management.

On 30 March 1983, Europe n°1 changed its name to Europe 1.

1986: Europe 1 was privatised and sold to Hachette and Jean-Luc Lagardère.

1996: Scheduling changed to news and debate.

2005: Jean-Pierre Elkabach was appointed to the management.

November 2010: Alexandre Bompart, who had succeeded J-P. Elkabach in 2008, was replaced by Denis Olivennes (ex-Nouvel Observateur).

Complete answers

1.1. – Internal Code or charter? : Yes

A new charter was adopted at the beginning of 2012 to clarify the relationship between editorial policy and advertising and to guarantee the integrity between them. The charter, which was set up by the news management team in partnership with the Human Resources department, is subject to the Association of Editors and serves as a basis for discussion and cultural exchange.

1.2. – How is their application monitored? : By the Management

A Wednesday afternoon arbitration meeting is held involving the heads of Programmes, News, Advertising and the Management.

2.1. – Journalist associations inside the media? : Yes

2.2. – What mechanisms are there to evaluate already published material? : Yes, but not enough

An editorial meeting is held every morning at 9.30. Departmental meetings are also held between the manager and their team. However, there is sometimes dissatisfaction within the Editorial team that there is not enough daily feedback.

2.3. – Which systems are in place to identify and correct errors? Fact checking? : This is done case by case

Mistakes made on air are corrected whenever possible.

Obviously, it is easier to correct a mistake in an interview before it is broadcast than it is to intervene afterwards.

3.1. – What is the relationship between editorial values and advertising content? : Vigilance

The line is clear: advertising partners cannot dictate a subject. The Wednesday afternoon meetings between heads of News and Advertising ensure this is the case.

3.2. – What arbitration systems are in place for disputes? : News management

3.3. – What is the structure for sponsorships and editorial partnerships? : There is a moral commitment

These partnerships are also discussed in the weekly three-party meetings. In film partnerships, for example, the journalists responsible for Cinema are consulted first. The radio station only becomes involved with films it wants to support.

4.1. – How are press trips and embedded journalists managed? : Trips are limited

The News head is vigilant and limits trips. Each journalist is asked to submit a proposal before a trip is accepted.

4.2. – How are conflicts of interests with the owner resolved? : Information not available

4.3. – How are political and economic pressures managed? : On a case by case basis

Nothing has been formalised. Any case of pressure being applied is resolved internally.

4.4. – How is general news or “news in brief” treated? : Appropriately

Europe 1 defines itself as a ‘quality mainstream radio station’, and therefore gives prominence according to the importance of the subject. A Police-Justice committee made up of five journalists, sorts through news stories and decides how to deal with them. The criteria are that the story is relevant to our time and is not too sordid.

4.5. – What criteria are there for the publication of photos/ transmission of filmed images? : Information not provided

4.6. – How are amateur photos or videos treated? : Information not provided

4.7. – What is the status of permanent or freelance journalist blogs? : Information not provided

4.8. – What are the conditions for working undercover? : Case by case

In principle, the head of News is not against this but it is not encouraged either. It is assessed on a case by case basis.

5.1. – What form of mediation is there with the public? Is there an ombudsman? : Only via the internet

There is no mediator but more and more interfaces have been created between the radio station and its listeners.

Firstly, with Europe 1 Club – feedback is encouraged when a programme is broadcast on the road.

Secondly, on our website (a million visitors), a Contact section, with several options, enables listeners to give their opinions about a particular programme, the programme schedule or a presenter. It is also possible to comment on the way how a news item has been handled and/or to contact a journalist. A department exists to deal with these questions and transmit them to the journalists concerned or to Denis Olivennes, CEO of Europe 1.

5.2. – Is there a section for public comments? : No

5.3. – How is the ‘right of reply’ managed? : Via the Legal Department

Immediate right of reply is not given on air except in extreme cases. The current procedure goes through the Legal Department, the General Secretary and the department directly impacted.

5.4. – How are public visits organised? : No

5.5. – Are there organised meetings with the public? : No

5.6. – Are journalist contact details made public? : No

A general address is given on the website and the Contact section enables the public to make contact with a journalist, but not directly.

5.7. – How are internet forums managed? : External post-moderation

The radio station has set up an alarm system. An e-mail can be sent to the webmaster when an internet-user feels that an on-line comment poses a legal or privacy problem.

6.1. – Moving towards green printing? : Not applicable

6.2. – How sustainable are the infrastructure and logistics? : An effort is being made

A number of measures were undertaken by the Lagardère group which owns Europe 1. Each office has two bins for sorting paper and other waste. There is also a general effort to use paper sparingly, e.g. making recto-verso photocopies.

6.3. – Are suppliers selected according to sustainable criteria? : Information not provided

6.4. – Is there sustainable management of film materials? : Information not provided

7.1. – What initiatives are there for developing media literacy? : These are taken on an individual basis

Nothing has been formalised – if journalists go into schools it is on an individual basis.

7.2. – Is support provided for media in emerging countries? : No

Possibly within the Group but, since selling a large part of its international magazines in 2011, Lagardère Active (media branch of the Group) has concentrated mainly on the French market.

8.1. – What commitments are there for continuous training? : Not very developed

Every year, each salaried member of staff has an appraisal to discuss their career. Additional language or web training can be provided at the request of the journalist.

8.2. – Is there pay transparency?  : No

8.3. – Is there an apprenticeship tax? : Information not provided

9.1. – How is corporate social responsibility applied? : This is a recent development

The position taken by the Lagardère group revolves around four priorities: to assert itself as a responsible employer, to develop its activities with respect for the environment, to encourage access to information and knowledge and to be a media group that creates social links.

An extra financial report is published every year by Isabelle Juppé, responsible for sustainable development within the Group since 2008. It lists Group initiatives and internal good practices and sets out objectives and indicators for measuring Group impacts.

Lagardère is part of the RSE Medias Forum.